The IRS recently changed the process under which it accepts requests for verification that it has received a filed FinCEN Form 114, “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts” (FBAR).
The IRS recently granted relief to certain U.S. persons who own stock in certain foreign corporations affected by the repeal of Internal Revenue Code Section 958(b)(4) under the Tax Cuts
Various dollar figures related to international tax are adjusted annually for cost-of-living increases. These adjustments reflect a measure of inflation that was revised by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
In a recent revenue procedure, the IRS updated two lists of countries with which the United States has agreements that require payers to report certain deposit interest paid to nonresident
The IRS has revised its general frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The revisions focus on certification and periodic review requirements involving Qualified Intermediaries
The IRS recently issued final regulations on the operation of a safe harbor rule that’s used in determining whether allocations of partnership creditable foreign tax expenditures (CFTEs) to partners are
The IRS recently issued questions and answers (Q&As) regarding the transition tax imposed by Internal Revenue Code Section 965. Under finalized regs issued early in 2019, Sec. 965 generally requires
In January 2017, the IRS announced a new audit strategy for its Large Business and International (LB&I) Division known as “campaigns.” With the campaigns, LB&I essentially shifts its examinations based
If you have an interest in (or authority over) a foreign financial account, you may have to electronically file a form called the “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts”
In June, the IRS finalized certain proposed regs pertaining to the foreign tax credit (FTC). The final regs include changes to the rules that address the interaction between the FTC