Campus Hire
During the recruiting process, you have probably been asked by a few firms, “Do you want to work in audit or tax?”. At MKS&H we remember being asked that question, and thinking, “I really have no idea.” But, most firms will require that you enter one department and specialize in either audit or tax before even comprehending what that means or the impact it will have on your career. Those same firms may say that you have the option to switch at any point, but you will find that switching is not easy.
At MKS&H, we recognize the impacts that this uninformed decision can have on your career and we have committed ourselves to “split-staffing” for the first two years of your career. What does that mean? It means that for the first two years you are with us, you will work in both the audit and tax department, typically for two weeks at a time, while learning the true difference between audit and tax. During this time, you will be exposed to audit procedures, tax law, and begin to see the opportunities for both of those individual career paths. At the end of your two year training, YOU, will decide what department fits your career intentions and it will remain your focus moving forward.
This is not the easiest way to operate an accounting firm from a logistical standpoint, but it is without a doubt, the best way to operate one for the benefit of new staff. We remain committed to our staff, look forward to getting to know you, and hope you see the value that the split-staffing schedule provides.

Experienced Professional Hire
There is a whole range of opportunities open to you within MKS&H. Whether you join our audit, tax, or business consulting services, you’ll enjoy early responsibility, rewarding challenges, and exposure to a variety of businesses across a range of sectors.
At MKS&H, you’ll find an environment designed to help you make the most of your abilities and skills. It’s an environment where people are committed to mentoring and training to help you progress further in your career and professional goals