Escaping the Mounting Cost of Technology

Escaping the Mounting Cost of Technology

In today’s world, spending money will make you money. Businesses that do not take the time to upgrade their equipment are often left behind as competitors become faster and more streamlined. Older equipment can take longer to fix, as parts are harder to find on the market. Dedicated IT departments in businesses may only look to “slap a Band-Aid” onto a struggling machine, which only prolongs the inevitable. Here are a few steps that can be used to alleviate the pressure of spending large amounts of money when your business is about to fall apart with older machines:


1. Schedule your cost– Businesses often wait until everything is too old to fix, then put in an order for a bulk shipment. While bulk shipments can prove to be less expensive, a “large” shipment of 10 computers may save just as much money as purchasing 50 at a time, depending on which vendor they are purchased from. Purchasing computers in waves will alleviate the pressure on your company to pay massive bills for upgrades and take smaller bites that are easier to swallow.

2. You get what you pay for– A company that decides to purchase machines that are “bottom-line” will more likely have problems with their computers at an accelerated rate. Investing an extra amount into each machine insures that you may not have to pay for a new machine for several years, and the machine may have the firepower for a software upgrade, thus reducing your overall cost for a ten-year span.

3. Utilize your MSP– Managed Service Providers are dedicated to learning their clients’ needs and understanding how to make the most your business’s equipment. MSPs are always focused on streamlining operations so that your business can be more successful.

4. Trust your MSP– A struggle that many companies have is using their IT support as an advisor. Organizations that are devoted to mapping and keeping your infrastructure running are best suited to give you consultations and advise you on how to move forward. Managed Service Providers are great at fixing things, but under-utilized for PREVENTING break downs in networks.

In order to keep the cost of technology in your business from growing too large, breaking your upgrades into smaller parts will allow your business to absorb the cost of upgrades at an improved rate. This keeps the cost from spiraling out of control and your business from falling behind in a fast paced market. Businesses are less inclined to upgrade their equipment when faced with massive bills. Following these four steps and working closely with your Managed Service Provider will allow for better stability and greater room for growth in your business.

Nick McCourtArticle contributed by Nick McCourt, IT Consultant, Tier One Technology Partners

About Tier One Technology Partners: MKS&H’s technology consulting group, Tier One Technology Partners provides your growing organization with IT strategy and effective IT services solutions to keep you one step ahead. Tier One was founded in 2000 in the response to listening to the needs of our clients and the business challenges that they were facing in such a rapidly changing IT environment. Thus, Tier One was developed with the simple goal of being an IT consultant, partner, and support firm.

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MKS&H is committed to providing personalized tax and accounting services while developing a deep understanding of you, your culture, and your business goals. Our full view of financial systems and the people behind them allow us create and evolve the best solution that will help you and your business thrive. The accounting experts and consulting professionals at MKS&H work together to help you achieve the financial results you want.

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